Posted on: 22 October, 2019

Author: Rachel Mars

These were everything that you need to know about how long can a cat go without food and the reasons behind your cat not having food and for more such things you can browse through Petsnurturing.   Owning a cat is more than just keeping the cat in your home rather it is about caring for the cat and being responsible for the cat. Well cats are stubborn and they do require time to adjust with you and in other words, you can say cats are moody so they might behave differently at different times.  There would be a time when they would panic you for food even after you would feed then properly and there would be a time when you would panic as your cat is not having anything. Being a cat owner you might be wondering about How Long Can a Cat Go Without Food and this question is normal for anyone because cats are unpredictable.  This question mainly comes if your cat often skips meals and if your cat tends to do so then this can even be risky for your cat so you have to be very careful about this matter.  Now the very first thing that you should think of is why your cat is not having food and if you would be able to know about the reason then it would be easy for you to feed your cat better. Here is everything that you might want to know about the cat not having food and cat survival without food: Know why your cat is not having food for a long time? Maybe your cat has lost appetite? This is a common thing in cats but the problem is equally dangerous at the same time and this condition in cats often known as Anorexia. This happens if your cat is suffering from an interior disease that is unnoticed and untreated for a long time. Major chances are that the disease already took a huge shape that can be very dangerous for your cat and it can even be deadly for your cat.  There can be other reasons as well but if it is due to any disease then you would have to take immediate actions otherwise you can end up losing your cat at an early age that you may not want. Respiratory problems: Just imagine that you are going through breathlessness or having any other type of respiratory issue, would you be able to eat properly? The answer is no, right? The same thing happens with your cat as well. If your cat is suffering from any respiratory problem then the chances are there that your cat would not be able to smell food properly.  Cats tend to smell food first and if they would not get any smell from the food then they would not eat it. Breathing problem also doesn’t let them have food in their mouth for long as they start getting suffocated in that way. There would be other symptoms such as trying to breathe and long breathe in and you can also sense cough at the same time.  Medicines can help your cat in this case and once they would be able to breathe they would automatically start eating as well. Digestive problem: Digestive problems in the cat are quite common and cats can get affected by this issue way too much and there are chances that if a cat is having a digestive problem then it can refuse to eat. However, a digestive problem doesn’t last for a long time but still, you should be careful about this as it can make your cat sufferer.  The problem can be at any part of the digestive system and the correct section can only be determined after proper diagnosis. There are other symptoms of this digestion problem that you should be careful about. If your cat is having any digestive problem then you would observe that your cat would have irritated bowel issues and your cat can also have parasites inside their digestive track and even tumors can be the reason for such digestion problem.  You should not ignore it if you find that your cat is suffering from any digestion problem as the issue can scroll up to a very serious problem. Foreign bodies inside your cat: Cats are playful and if you have observed a cat then you would find out that cats have a habit of putting everything inside their mouths and they play in this way. Often you would be able to notice that your cat is eating up foreign things that it should not be eating and this can be dangerous for your cat.  It has been seen that if anyhow there is any foreign object stuck inside your cat’s body then your cat would stop eating. Here you would see that your cat would vomit way too often at your cat might also face diarrhea in this case and there are chances that your cat can feel lost of breath in this case. Here the very first that you have to do is to take your cat to a good vet or animal hospital and get the foreign object removed from your cat’s body so that everything can get normal. Dental issue: This thing is common for everyone who chews food before swallowing and if your cat is having a decayed tooth that pains then your cat would prefer starving but would not have food. In this case, your cat would drink waterway to often to satisfy the hunger but would not have food. In this case, you would be able to feel a bad fuel like the smell from your cat’s mouth and often you would see that your cat would sit a particular place doing nothing and would not even respond to you.  Here proper treatment is the key and for those painful days, you can get your cat liquid-like food so that your cat can swallow that food without chewing. Food issues: If your cat food would have issues like the weird smell or if it has weird flavor then your cat would not eat that food. Sometimes food spoilage can even be the reason so you should always check the food before serving it to your cat so that you can avoid all these problems. In particular, if your cat is not having food but is drinking enough water then your cat might survive for about 14 days or so but in case your cat is not even consuming water then your cat would not last more than a couple of days or so. Source: Free Articles from I am also writing blogs for Petsnurturing.